I2 Global Summit 2016
The theme for the 2016 Global Summit in Chicago—site of the first official meeting that eventually led to the formation of Internet2 focused on honoring the members who have shaped and developed Internet2 over the past 20 years, and showcasing visionaries whose work and strategies will shape the next 20 years for Internet2 and the entire R&E community. Dr. Julio Ibarra, Dr. Heidi Morgan, and Jeronimo Bezerra participated in Internet2 Global Summit. The following collaborative session presentations were made.
Sessions and Presentations:
SDN Optimized Advanced Network Services for Experiments
Session abstract: The upcoming and next generation of major science programs exploring the nature and history of the universe, our planet and own biological makeup, from the LHC to LSST and SKA to the Human Genome Project face unprecedented challenges in harnessing the wealth of knowledge hidden in Exabytes of globally distributed data.
Scientists, network and system engineers and architects have come together to meet these challenges, and clear the way to the next round of discoveries. In this workshop we will present the recent major advances in software defined and virtualized Terabit/sec networks, intelligent global systems, workflow optimization methodologies, and state of the art long distance data transfer methods.
TIME 05/17/16 08:00AM-10:00AM, Denver (5th Floor)
SPEAKERS: Harvey Newman CALTECH (California Institute of Technology), Joe Mambretti Northwestern University, Julio Ibarra Florida International University, Shawn McKee University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
The Latin American Landscape: Updates and Discussion with NREN Leaders
Session abstract: From the tip of Chile to the shores of Cuba, the National Research and Education Network ecosystem in Latin America has changed and expanded significantly over the past few years. In this panel session, NREN leaders from Latin America will come together to compare experiences and discuss the current state of their network’s connectivity and services. Panelists will share their goals and challenges and will provide a glimpse into future plans and expected developments.
TIME 05/17/16 03:00PM-04:00PM, Michigan/Michigan State (6th Floor)
SPEAKERS: Juan Pablo Carvallo CEDIA (Consorcio Nacional para el Desarrollo de Internet Avanzado), Jose Palacios REUNA (Red Universitaria Nacional), Carlos Casasus CUDI (Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet), Julio Ibarra Florida International University, Lucas Giraldo Rios RENATA (Red Nacional Academica De Tecnologia Avanzada)
Open Exchange Points and SDX’s – Attributes for Understanding
Session abstract: Currently, there are almost as many definitions of an open exchange point or SDX as there are exchange points. Several different groups, including GLIF and the GNA, are working to unify and standardize these definitions. This is reaching a critical point as more exchange points behave in different ways, but all are called “open”.
This session will include presentations from several current exchange point operators all being compared on the same set of attributes, followed by a discussion of possible definitions and the ways forward.
TIME 05/17/16 04:30PM-05:30PM, Indiana/Iowa (6th Floor)
SPEAKERS: Jennifer Schopf Indiana University, Julio Ibarra Florida International University
For I2 Global Summit 2016 program click here.