SDX Related Publications and links
[1] Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Lopez, L. F., Morgan, H., & Cox, D. (2016). Responding to the demands of big data scientific instruments through the development of an international software defined exchange point (SDX). Paper presented at the UbuntuNet Connect 2016 Conference, Entebbe, Uganda.
[2] Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Lopez, L. F., Morgan, H., & Cox, D. (2017a). Facilitating content distribution in Sub-Saharan Africa through Software-Defined Exchange points. UbuntuNet Connect 2017 Conference.
[3] Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Lopez, L. F., Morgan, H., & Cox, D. (2017b). Introduction to AARCLight: Americas Africa Research and eduCation Lightpaths. Paper presented at the WACREN 2017, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
[4] Ibarra, J. E., Morgan, H., Cox, C., & Lopez, L. (2018). Presentation: Regional Networks, Communities and Ecosystems Americas Africa Research and eduCation Lightpaths (AARCLight) Study: Year 1 findings. Paper presented at the TERENA Network Conference (TNC18).
[5] Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Lopez, L.F., Chergarova, V., Cox III, D.A., Alvarez, G.E., Stanton, M., Hazin, A., Lotz, L. and Mammen, S., (2018). AARCLight – New opportunities for South Atlantic R&E Network collaboration between Africa, Brazil, and the US. Paper presented at the UbuntuNet-Connect Conference 2018, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
[6] Bezerra, J., Ibarra, J., Boertjes, D., Santillo, F., Williford, L., Morgan, H., Cox, C., and Lopez, L. 2019. “Mitigating Soft Failures Using Network Analytics and SDN to Support Distributed Bandwidth-Intensive Scientific Instruments over International Networks,” SubOptic Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA.
[7] Bezerra, J., Arcanjo, V., Ibarra, J., Kantor, J., Lambert, R., Kollross, M., Astudillo, A., Sobhani, S., Jaque, S., Petravick, D. and Morgan, H., (2017). International Networking in support of Extremely Large Astronomical Data-centric Operations. Paper presented at the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS XXVII) Conference.
[8] Bezerra, J., Ibarra, J., Schwarz, M., Freitas, H., & Morgan, H. J. S. W. (2017). Mitigating the Risks of Supporting Multiple Control Plans in a Production SDN Network: A Use Case. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) Workshop on Future Internet Research and Experimentation (WPEIF), 34-37, 2017
[9] Chung, J., Cox, J., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Clark, R., & Owen, H. (2015). Atlanticwave-sdx: An international SDX to support science data applications. Paper presented at the Software Defined Networking (SDN) for Scientific Networking Workshop, SC’15 Austin, TX, 2015.
[10] Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., & Owen, H. (2017). Novel network services for supporting big data science research. Paper presented at the Gateways 2017, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
[11] Chung, J., Jung, E.-S., Kettimuthu, R., Rao, N. S. V., Foster, I. T., Clark, R., & Owen, H. (2018). Advance reservation access control using software-defined networking and tokens. Future Generation Computer Systems, 79, 225-234. doi:
[12] Chung, J., Kettimuthu, R., Pho, N., Clark, R., & Owen, H. (2019). Orchestrating intercontinental advance reservations with software-defined exchanges. Future Generation Computer Systems, 95, 534-547. doi:
[13] Donovan, S., Clark, R., & Bezerra, J. (2017). From Network Administrator to Domain Scientist: Challenges with Creating Usable High-Speed Networks. Paper presented at the Internet2 Technology Exchange.
[14] Chung, J., Owen, H., Clark, R. “SDX architectures: A qualitative analysis”. SoutheastCon 2016, Norfolk, VA, 2016, pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/SECON.2016.7506749.
[15] Galiza, H., Schwarz, M., Bezerra, J. and Ibarra, J., (June 2016). Moving an IP network to SDN: a global use case deployment experience at AmLight. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) Workshop on Future Internet Research and Experimentation (WPEIF), pages 15-18, Salvador Bahia Brazil
[16] Bezerra, J., Galiza, H., Ibarra, J. and Schwarz, M., (June 2016). AmLight’s OpenFlow Sniffer dissected: Troubleshooting production networks. Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) Workshop on Future Internet Research and Experimentation (WPEIF), pp. 33-36, Salvador Bahia Brazil
[17] Hendriks, L.; Schmidt, R.; Sadre, R.; Bezerra, J.; Pras, A., (2016). Assessing the Quality of Flow Measurements from OpenFlow Devices. 8th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Belgium
[18] Pho, N., Magri, D., Redigolo, F., Kim, B., Feeney, T., Morgan, H., Patel, C., Botka, C. and Carvalho, T., (Nov. 2015). Data Transfer in a Science DMZ using SDN with Applications for Precision Medicine in Cloud and High-performance Computing. SC 2015 – International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Austin, TX
[19] Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Lopez, L.F., Cox, D.A., Stanton, M., Machado, I. and Grizendi, E., (May 2015). Benefits brought by the use of OpenFlow/SDN on the AmLight intercontinental research and education network. In 2015 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM) (pp. 942-947). IEEE.
[20] Rodrigues, T., Intercontinental submarine cable between the United States and Brazil comes online providing high volume, high speed commercial connectivity services. 2018, Angola Cable: Chicago.
[21] Katz, D. and D. Ward, Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), in Standards Track. 2010, Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) REF 5880
[22] AMPATH. AMPATH Resources: AMPATH’s BGP Policy. 2020; Available from:
[23] AMPATH. AMPATH Dashboard: AmLight perfSONAR Dashboard. 2020; Available from:
[24] GlobalNOC. International Research Network Connections Network Operations Center (IRNC NOC). 2020; Available from:
[25] Xinjian Long, Xiangyang Gong, Xirong Que, Wendong Wang, Bing Liu, Sheng Jiang, and Ning Kong, “Autonomic Networking: Architecture Design and Standardization,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 48-53, 2017.
[26] Shaikh, A., R. Shakir, and M. Albano. OpenConfig. 2015 [cited 2020; Available from:
[27] Kytos. Kytos SDN Platform. 2017; Available from:
[28] B. Leal, J. Bezerra. “Using Kytos SDN platform to enhance international big data transfers”. Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2018) Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria. July 2018.
[29] Bezerra, J., et al. MEF E-Line (or Point-to-Point Ethernet Virtual Circuit) Service Provisioning NApp. 2018; Available from:
[30] J. Bezerra. “SDNTrace in AmLight, ” Internet2 Global Summit, 2015.
[31] Ibarra, J. AmLight Express and Protect (AmLight-ExP): Enabling Research and Education in the Americas via cooperation and collaboration. In TICAL 2018. 2018. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
[32] PeeringDB. PeeringDB About. 2020; Available from:
[33] Jim Basney, Heather Flanagan, Terry Fleury, Jeff Gaynor, Scott Koranda, and Benn Oshrin. CILogon: Enabling Federated Identity and Access Management for Scientific Collaborations. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC), PoS(ISGC2019)031, 2019.
[34] CILogon: An Integrated Identity and Access Management Platform for Science. 2020; Available from:
[35] R. Pordes, D. Petravick, B. Kramer, D. Olson, M. Livny, A. Roy, P. Avery, K. Blackburn, T. Wenaus, F. Wurthwein, I. Foster, R. Gardner, M. Wilde, A. Blatecky, J. McGee, R. Quick, “The open science grid,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 78 (2007) 012057.
[36] McKee, S. and M. Babik, HEPiX Network Functions Virtualisation Working Group Report, in HEPiX NFV WG. 2019.
[37] He, Eric, et al. “Reliable blast UDP: Predictable high performance bulk data transfer.” Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing. IEEE, 2002.
[38] Zhang, Zongsheng, Go Hasegawa, and Masayuki Murata. “Reasons not to parallelize TCP connections for long fat networks.” SIMULATION SERIES 38.3 (2006): 354.
[39] BigData Express,
[40] Bosshart, P., Daly, D., Gibb, G., Izzard, M., McKeown, N., Rexford, J., Schlesinger, C., Talayco, D., Vahdat, A., Varghese, G. and Walker, D., (2014). P4: Programming protocol-independent packet processors. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 44(3), pp.87-95
[41] Kim, C., Sivaraman, A., Katta, N., Bas, A., Dixit, A. and Wobker, L.J., (August 2015). In-band network telemetry via programmable dataplanes. In ACM SIGCOMM.
[42] Barefoot Networks Unveils Breakthrough Switching Technology: the World’s First Fully Programmable Switches That Also Happen to Be the Fastest Switches Ever Built. URL:
[43] Bird, I, Campana, S., Girone, M., Espinal, X., McCance, G., Schovancová, J. (2019). Architecture and prototype of a WLCG data lake for HL-LHC, EPJ Web Conf. 214 04024 (2019) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201921404024.
[44] CERN. High Luminosity LHC Project. 2020; Available from:
[45] Y. Xin, S. Fu, A. Mandal, I. Baldin, M. Rynge, K. Vahi, E. Deelman, I. Abhinit, and V. Welch, “Machine Learning Based Root Cause Analysis for Network Integrity Errors, ” Submitted, Feb. 2020.
[46] M. Kiran, C. Wang, G. Papadimitriou, A. Mandal, and E. Deelman, “Detecting Anomalous Packets in Network Transfers: Investigations using PCA, Autoencoder and Isolation Forest in TCP,” Machine Learning, 2020.
[47] Inder Monga, Chin Guok, John MacAuley, Alex Sim, Harvey Newman, Justas Balcas, Phil DeMar, Linda Winkler, Tom Lehman, and Xi Yang, “SDN for End-to-end Networked Science at the Exascale (SENSE),” INDIS 2018.
[48] R. Pordes, D. Petravick, B. Kramer, D. Olson, M. Livny, A. Roy, P. Avery, K. Blackburn, T. Wenaus, F. Wurthwein, I. Foster, R. Gard- ner, M. Wilde, A. Blatecky, J. McGee, R. Quick, “The open science grid,” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 78 (2007) 012057.
[49] E. Deelman, K. Vahi, M. Rynge, R. Mayani, R. Ferreira da Silva, G. Papadimitriou, and M. Livny, “The Evolution of the Pegasus Workflow Management Software,” Computing in Science Engineering, vol. 21, iss. 4, p. 22–36, 2019.
[50] AtlanticWave-SDX. (2020). AtlanticWave/SDX Controller Prototype. Retrieved from
[55] Battou, A. NIST: Emerging Network Technologies. 2020; Available from:
[56] Chergarova, V., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Bezerra, J., “Factors influencing the adoption of Software Defined Networking by Research and Educational Networks”, The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, August 15-17, 2019 Abstract
[57] Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., and Owen, H. “Novel network services for supporting big data science research”. Journal of Future Generation Computing Systems, Volume 98, 2019, Pages 512-521, ISSN 0167-739X,
[58] Chung, J., Donovan, S., Bezerra, J., Morgan, H., Ibarra, J., Clark, R., and Owen, H, “Orchestrating Intercontinental Advance Reservations with Software-Defined Exchanges” at the 4th International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data Intensive Science (INDIS) 2017
[59] Cox, J., Chung, J., Donovan, S., Ivey, J., Clark, R., Riley, G., Owen, H. “Advancing Software-Defined Networks: A Survey”. IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 25487-25526, 2017. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2762291
[60] Chung, J., Cox, J., Clark, R., and Owen, H., “FAS: Federated auditing for software-defined exchanges”. Proceedings of IEEE SoutheastCon 2017, pp. 1-8, March 2017.
[61] Donovan, S., Chung, J., Sanders, M., Clark, R., “MetroSDX: A resilient edge network for the smart community,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), Kona, HI, 2017, pp. 575-580.
doi: 10.1109/PERCOMW.2017.7917626
[62] Chung, J., Clark, R., and Owen, H. “SDX Architectures: A Qualitative Analysis”. Proceedings of IEEE SoutheastCon 2016, pp. 1-8, March 30 – April 3, 2016.
[66] AtlanticWave-SDX: Students outreach available at
[67] IRNC: AMI: Collaborative Research: Software-Defined and Privacy-Preserving Network Measurement Instrument and Services for Understanding Data-Driven Science Discovery –
[68] In-band Network Telemetry –
[69] Zabbix –
[70] sFlow –
[71] NetFlow –
[72] NetSage –
[73] AMPATH Status Page:
[74] PerfSonar Maddash –
[75] PerfSonar Measurement Archive –
[76] AMPATH Maddash –
[77] ESnet Lookup Service Directory –
[78] PerfSonar pScheduler –
[79] Slack –
[80] AmLight-INT presentation –
[81] StarLight OXP –
Looking Beyond the Internet Workshop Series
- Applications and Services in the Year 2021: (with Report) - Future Wireless Cities: (with Report) - Software Defined Infrastructure / Software Defined Exchanges: (with Report)
Steering Group report
- Looking Beyond the Internet (Final Report)
The “Looking Beyond the Internet” effort is conducting three workshops intended to discuss new research opportunities in the broad areas of future wireless, networks and clouds. The goal is to engage the research community to identify potentially transformative network architectures, enabling technologies and applications in three broad categories: software-defined infrastructure, community-scale wireless networks and future applications and services.